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How would acupuncture treat diabetes, along what meridians, and why?

How would acupuncture treat diabetes, along what meridians, and why?

How would acupuncture treat diabetes, along what meridians, and why?

Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1 and Type 2) corresponds to the traditional medical diagnosis of, 'xiao ke' or 'Wasting and thirsting disease'. This occurs when Heat exhausts the body fluids or from a Kidney meridian deficiency.

Differential TCM Diagnoses

Oriental Medicine aims to treat the specific symptoms that are unique to each individual using a variety of techniques such as acupuncture, Chinese herbs, bodywork, lifestyle/dietary recommendations and energetic exercises to restore imbalances found in the body.

Depending on the pattern, the treatment for diabetes will focus on the Lungs to treat thirst, the Spleen to treat hunger, and the Kidneys to treat frequent urination and low back pain.

Acupuncture Points for Diabetes

The acupuncture points used are all over the body and on several meridians. A point on the back, called Yishu is often used and has proven effective in recent experience for controlling the function of the pancreas. Herbal medicine is an important component to the treatment of diabetes.

It is recommended that acupuncture is combined with other supportive measures and under the supervision of your primary care physician. Normal dietary restrictions for diabetics apply.

Your acupuncturist will have to look at the the specific signs and symptoms of your condition as well as the state of your overall health to determine if Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you.  Each case is unique and I cannot say how effective acupuncture will be for you without a full assessment. I would definitely recommend that you contact a licensed acupuncturist in your area for a consultation.

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