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Every year I get several colds and one bout of the flu. Can acupuncture help?

Every year I get several colds and one bout of the flu. Can acupuncture help?

Yes. Acupuncture is very beneficial if you have a cold or the flu. The common cold is the number one reason that people visit their primary care physician. Early treatment with acupuncture and herbs can shorten the course and intensity of the ailment. It may be necessary to get two treatments in two or three days, but usually this is sufficient to return a person to a better level of functioning. This is especially helpful for those who must continue working or need to be healthy for an upcoming event.

Also, acupuncture is very effective for the prevention of colds and flu. It stimulates the immune system to attack the virus before it adversely affects your health. Too, if you are one who usually has a warning symptom alerting you to a cold or flu coming on, there are herbal remedies which can potentially thwart the onset.

You do not have to needlessly suffer with viruses, which are not treatable with antibiotics anyway. Acupuncture and herbs are viable options. In many instances it is worthwhile to consider your acupuncturist first. Early intervention can lead to quicker, more dramatic results.

About the Author:

Jane McKee, MAcOM, L.Ac. is a licensed acupuncturist in Tigard, Oregon. 

To learn more about Jane McKee or the Meridian Acupuncture Clinic, please visit

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